Walking Health Benefits for both you and your dog!

Walking your dog is a great way to bond with your furry friend and has numerous health benefits for you and your pet. Dogs are known for their loyalty and companionship; you can capitalize on that for health reasons, too! Let’s go over a few ways taking your dog for a walk benefits both physically and mentally!

Physical Benefits

Walking your dog can be an excellent form of exercise for both you and your furry companion. According to a study by the American Heart Association, dog owners who regularly walk their dogs are more likely to meet the recommended physical activity guidelines than those who do not own a dog. This is because walking your dog can provide a moderate level of physical activity that can help improve your heart health, strengthen your muscles and bones, and help you maintain a healthy weight.

The same can be said for your pup! If you have an older dog, taking them for walks is a great way to keep their joints, muscles, and heart healthy and strong.

Something else worth mentioning is if you walk your dog on the pavement, it will assist in keeping their nails trimmed. If you’re a dog owner who has difficulty trimming your dog’s nails at home, this method could be a game changer for you and your dog.

In addition to improving your overall physical health, walking your dog can also help with other specific health benefits. For example, walking your dog can help lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and improve your immune system.

Mental Benefits

In addition to the physical benefits, walking your dog can positively impact your mental health. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, by walking your dog, you enjoy nature, listen to music, and embrace quiet time from outside!

Your dog will love a chance to spend time with you. Spending time bonding is a crucial step in building trust and companionship with your dog; it can even help reduce their anxiety (if they struggle with it), and taking them with others to the park may be an excellent way to socialize dogs.

We know that caring for a dog can be a big step for you and your family, but we hope learning about these new benefits has impacted your life! The next time you go outside, try to remember these health perks and give your dog a chance to embrace them, too!