Dogs love Easter, too! How your Dog may react to Springtime!

We’ve already talked about the dangers of springtime and what you should be looking for when talking about your dog’s health. However, what if we told you there are amazing joys for your dog to experience as well? From visiting new dog parks to getting a little more time in the sun, there is just as much to be excited about as there is to be concerned about! Here are the top activities you can do with your dog to be sure they will love the time spent with you this Spring!

Playtime means everything!

Dogs love spring because it means more opportunities to explore and play. In the same way, we are going to be finding more reasons to go outside, our dogs are going to feel the same way. When you are planning your next trip or family getaway, make plans to take your dog with you. Don't be surprised if you see lots of hyperactivity in your dog as well. They may want to spend more time outside for walks or roll around in the grass.

Rinse their fur after outdoor adventures!

Remember when we were told to take a shower or change our clothes after spending time outside? Well, the same could be said for our fur babies! After you've taken them for a walk or outside for any playtime, they will love you for a quick water rinse. You don't have to do a full bath unless it is required, but taking some lukewarm/cool water to their fur will help relieve irritation due to the elements! Short haired dogs love this, long haired dogs will appreciate a little misting to cool them off. 

Get into some training!

If you're a first-time dog owner or if you've had dogs all your life you should know that training is key to raising a furry friend. When taking your dog outside, they need to know who is in charge. Signing up for training or learning to do it yourself could not only be an essential part of saving lives, but it can also be a wonderful bonding experience for you both.

Adoption is still important!

Something else to consider during the Springtime is adoption! Most dogs get adopted during the winter holidays since those are the more popular seasons associated with gift-giving. However, most adoption agencies and shelters will still have a large number of dogs that were not taken into their forever home. This is the perfect time for you or one of your family members to find that dream pup! You may even find it easier to adopt a pet now since there may be less traffic to consider. If you're ready to take the next step in your life, adding a dog to the mix will bring you a little bit more sunshine to your life!

A change in the seasons is more than just a shift in the weather, but also requires us to take time to learn the changes our dogs will need. From paying attention to the flowers they smell to giving them more frequent showers, having this information will help you protect them from any hazards Spring may bring. Now, you have the perfect plan for a happy and healthy Springtime adventure with your dog!

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