Pop Up Pooch Spa Policies & FAQ


P.U.P.S. highly encourages you to book a 4-6 or 6-8 consistent schedule for the entire year to ensure you will always have an appointment. If you cannot commit to a consistent schedule, you will not be guaranteed an appointment. It will be on a first come first serve basis. So please try to stay on a regular grooming schedule or request an appointment through online booking. Someone will review your request and contact you within 24-48 hours to book or find a day best suited for you and your groomer.

Groomer Travel

Please note that when traveling to your home our groomers have to take account for traffic, weather conditions or grooming appointments that may run behind due to unforeseen circumstances. Your groomer will keep in contact with you as to their ETA. There is a 30 minute to 1 hour arrival window. Please bear with them as far as getting to you promptly and safely.

Pricing and Extra Services

Prices are subject to change from the initial quote given due to extra brushing, dematting, or special handling due to the pet's temperament and tolerance of the groom. Your groomer can decide at any time to stop the grooming process if it deems to be unsafe for the pet and/or groomer. 

**Please note that if the groomer has to stop the groom, the service payment still must be paid in full. **



P.U.P.S. prides themselves in serving you with top notch customer care, so if there are any questions please feel free to send us an email at info@popuppoochspa.com and our customer service representative will do their best to answer any questions or concerns.


We have several clients requesting appointments and all of our clients are highly important to us. With that being said, if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact us via email or social media (IG or FB) at least 48 hrs. before your appointment day. If you cancel your appointment 24 hrs. before your appointment, a $50 cancellation fee will be applied to your final service bill at your next appointment.



Are you taking new clients?

Sadly, no, we are full to capacity on grooming services. However, there are times throughout the year where the schedule opens up. You can be placed on our waitlist to see if something becomes available or be notified for all of our amazing products/promos being announced.

Do you groom cats?

No, unfortunately our owner is allergic, but will love them from afar.🙂

How does house call work?

Well, we pretty much bring the salon to your house. And not just to your house, IN your house. We are shown to an area in the house where you are comfortable to let dog hair fly around. Once that is established, we bring the grooming table and equipment in and start the process. There also needs to be a water source efficient enough to get the bathing process situated depending on the dog's size and the water pressure/access.

What payment methods do you take?

Contactless payments are accepted. There are no cash payments. 50% deposits are required when booking online.

How do you book an appointment?

Visit this link and follow the prompts to request an appointment.

Have more questions? Send us a message!