Pop-Up Pooch Spa’s Finest


Ciara - Owner & Groomer

Ciara is the owner, founder, and head groomer at Pop Up Pooch Spa located in Pennsauken, New Jersey. She has been providing dogs with the ultimate glam for the last 12 years and has been building a satisfied clientele along the way.

She has been seen on HBO Max’s Haute Dog competition dog show, created by Jess Rona and has showed her skills in the competition arena. Once she got into that form of competition, she decided to continue excelling in that field and enter in other competitions across the country. She even won the first-timers award sponsored by Foxy Roxy’s Supply Company.

In her spare time she is spending time with family and loved ones, developing her personal brand and encouraging others to start their own grooming businesses - and, of course, spending time with her own fur babies!