Why CBD is Great for your Cats and Dogs!

Let's talk about your dog and cat. Whatever you have at home, I promise we can all agree on one thing: pets are the best. And while they bring us joy, they are vastly intelligent in nonverbal communication! By that I mean that there are times when your pup or kitty will show signs of physical discomfort or illness and it's up to us as owners to assess how serious those symptoms are and how best to treat them. But what if there was a way for them not only to tell us what was wrong but also relieve their own symptoms? That would be pretty cool wouldn't it? Well guess what—there is! It's called CBD oil (short for Cannabidiol) and it can help your pet feel better by reducing anxiety, inflammation, nausea, etc. Let's dive into the amazing benefits of CBD oil for your pets and how you can use it to help them feel better.

Before we begin, it is important to note CBD is not the same as THC. According to Dr. Matthew Everett Miller, DVM from PetMD, “CBD shares important metabolic pathways with a class of drugs called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen and Rimadyl.” It may even improve your pet’s quality of life along with other forms of therapy.

Reduce seizures

A seizure is a sudden, involuntary contraction of the muscles that may cause shaking, trembling, or loss of consciousness in people or animals. Seizures can result from many factors and occur as a symptom of different health conditions, including epilepsy. 

Epilepsy treatment varies depending on the severity and frequency of seizures experienced by individuals with this condition; however, many experts agree that CBD oil for dogs and cats has demonstrated promising results for reducing symptoms associated with epilepsy. 

Reduce pain

If your dog or cat is suffering from pain and inflammation, CBD tinctures can help. Many pet owners have been using it to treat their pets' arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other conditions that cause discomfort.

We never want to see our pets experience pain, so if your pet is currently having a tough time with pain management, this may be a healthy alternative!

Reduce inflammation

Normally, inflammation is your body's way of healing itself. But sometimes, it can cause more harm than good. That’s why it's important to reduce inflammation when you're in pain or suffering from a disease—especially if you want to avoid further complications later on down the road.

Reduce anxiety

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. It doesn't produce the same psychoactive effects that THC does, but it has been shown to have anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory effects on the brain. CBD binds to receptors in our brains that control mood and inflammation—this causes an effect that helps relieve anxiety in pets.

The most common symptoms of anxiety in dogs are:

  • Increased barking or whining

  • Increased agitation around people and other pets

  • Restlessness (pacing) when left alone for long periods of time

Increase appetite and ease nausea in sick or elderly animals

CBD can help with the following symptoms:

  • Nausea (and vomiting) in sick or elderly animals

  • Loss of appetite in pets who are not feeling well

  • Anxiety or restlessness caused by noise phobias, separation anxiety, car rides and other triggers

CBD can work for dogs and cats the same way it works for humans.

CBD is a natural compound found in cannabis. It's non-psychoactive, meaning it won't get your dog high, and it has many health benefits. CBD can help with anxiety, pain, seizures and inflammation. It can also reduce nausea or vomiting caused by chemotherapy treatment for cancer. (This information is based on scientific studies).

Pets ingesting CBD won't experience the same effects as humans who smoke or ingest marijuana because they metabolize it differently than we do. Also note that there have been no reports of pets overdosing on CBD products; if they consume too much at one time they'll just throw up instead of getting high like people would from smoking an excessive amount of pot! 

Our pets mean the most to us and their health is always in our hands. Finding alternatives to always having to visit the vet or taking tons of medications are always on our minds as pet owners. Using CBD oils and other CBD products can be beneficial, safe to use, and most importantly, helpful to the overall longevity of their life! Pop Up Pooch Spa is going to be selling trusted CBD oil and tinctures for both dogs and cats in the coming months, so be sure to subscribe to our mailing list! We will be announcing the addition of these products to our store very soon!



Pop-up Pooch Spa