Pop-Up Pooch Spa

Where we bring pup luxury right to your home!

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Our Story

We are not just dog groomers. We are dog lovers! Learn a little bit more about the owner, Ciara Dickinson, and how her love for dogs turned her into a dedicated and professional groomer!

Read our story!


Need to know the ins and outs of taking care of your fur baby?

Read our blogs for information specifically made with pet owners in mind!

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What We’ve Accomplished

Our small business has accomplished some pretty huge goals over our 5 years in business. Whether you walk on two legs or four, we are proud to provide you with the best housecall grooming service that we can! Take a look at what we’ve been able to achieve thanks to you!



Satisfied clients

You’ll be joining a long list of happy clients who decided to trust us with their dog’s fur! These numbers are expected to increase over the next few months!


Years of experience

If you’ve been looking for an experienced groomer, you’ve come to the right place! Our team continues to hone their skills so you don’t have to make sacrifices as the client!


Current pup family members

Do you like to get social? Follow us on social media and join the family we’ve created online! There is always room for one more!

Here are some testimonials from some of our amazing clients!
